Note to users
Please note that all documents have not been translated into English due to limited resources. In such cases, the lack of a translation has been mentioned below in connection with the document in question.
The Student Union’s steering documents
The Student Union’s steering documents have been divided into four different categories: the Constitution, Strategy and regulations; various programmes; documents guiding HYY’s daily operation; and documents related to organisational activities.
HYY’s Constitution, Strategy and regulations
The Administrative Regulation is a document that governs the operations of HYY’s operating finances. It is based on the Student Union’s Constitution: the Administrative Regulation is the regulation on administrative and financial affairs prescribed in other parts of the Constitution.
The Representative Council is responsible for drafting and approving the Administrative Regulation. Amending the regulation requires a majority of the votes.
The Administrative Regulation applies to the operation of HYY’s operating finances, including the finances of the Representative Council, HYY’s Board, the Central Office employees, HYY’s archives and the Student Union. The regulation is also applied to the affairs of property finances.
The Administrative Regulation is updated when the need arises. It was last updated in 2021.
The badge regulation governs the awarding and use of HYY’s official honours, such as ribbons, badges and standards.
The Representative Council is responsible for updating and approving the badge regulation.
The purpose of the badge regulation is to govern the awarding and use of HYY’s various honours. HYY’s Board has been authorised to separately govern the use of the Student Union’s flag, for instance.
The badge regulation is updated when the need arises. It was last updated in 2014.
Unfortunately, the badge regulation is not available in English.
The Election Regulation governs the organisation of HYY’s Representative Council elections.
The Representative Council is responsible for updating and approving the Election Regulation. Amending the regulation requires a majority of the votes. After this, the Rector of the University confirms the Election Regulation.
The Election Regulation features provisions on issues related to the Representative Council elections, including the election method, the right to vote, the Central Election Committee and election committees, the nomination of candidates, electoral coalitions and alliances, the preparatory election procedures of the Central Election Committee, the election procedure, counting the votes and determining the election result as well as other matters that are important for the elections.
The Election Regulation is updated when the need arises. It was last updated in 2022.
HYY’s Constitution is the Student Union’s highest steering document, defining issues such as the Student Union’s legislative status and purpose as well as the duties of the Student Union’s administrative bodies, such as the Representative Council and Board.
The process of updating HYY’s Constitution is initiated by HYY’s Board. After this, any amendments are processed by the Representative Council. Amending the Constitution must be decided in two separate Representative Council meetings held at an interval of at least two weeks and requires a two-thirds majority of votes. After the Representative Council has processed the amendments, the Rector of the University ratifies the Constitution.
The Constitution serves as the basis for all HYY’s operations and the foundation of all other documents.
HYY’s Constitution is updated when the need arises. The current Constitution dates back to 2013, with amendments made in 2016, 2018 and 2023.
The Strategy is, after the Constitution, the highest document guiding the activities of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY). The Strategy examines the Student Union and its objectives as a whole and defines HYY’s purpose, dream, values and objectives.
The Strategy is put together by HYY’s Board in a manner of their choosing, such as by establishing a working group consisting of representatives of Representative Council groups. After HYY’s Board has processed the Strategy, it will be addressed by the Representative Council, which ultimately approves the document.
The Strategy serves as a tool in the planning of annual operations. It is used especially in the planning of the Programme of Objectives and guiding the work conducted at the Central Office. The Strategy is also taken into account in the preparation of other steering documents and various programmes.
The Strategy is updated regularly. The current Strategy was approved in 2024 and remains in effect until 2030.
The Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives governs the selection of student representatives in administration.
The Representative Council is responsible for updating and approving the regulation.
Student representatives in administration include the student representatives of the University Board and the student members of the University Collegium, faculty councils, the steering groups of degree programmes, the Academic Appeals Committee and the Board of the National Library of Finland. In addition to the regulation, these selections must also comply with the Universities Act, the Government’s Decree on Universities, the University’s applicable internal regulations and the Student Union’s Constitution.
The Regulation on the Selection of Student Representatives is updated when the need arises. It was last updated in 2022.
HYY’s programmes and political documents
HYY’s election programmes are documents related to the state’s elections that highlight HYY’s advocacy goals. Election programmes are made for municipal and parliamentary elections, for instance.
The Representative Council is responsible for updating and approving election programmes.
Election programmes are used at HYY’s Central Office to guide our advocacy work and communication related to the elections in question. The programmes contain a few key themes for advocacy work along with related goals.
Election programmes are updated according to the schedule of the different elections. The current municipal election programme, for instance, was made in 2020 for the 2021 municipal elections. The next municipal elections will be held in 2025, which means that the municipal election programme will be updated in 2024.
Parliamentary Election Programme 2023
Kuntavaaliohjelma 2021, Municipal election programme in Finnish
The Equality Plan describes how HYY and the people involved in it promote equality in the Student Union and the organisations operating under it.
The Representative Council is responsible for updating and approving the Equality Plan.
The Equality Plan is used as a document that influences HYY’s operation. It also sets guidelines for the operation of organisations operating under HYY. The plan includes indicators used to assess the realisation of the plan.
The current Equality Plan is in effect for 2021-2023. The plan has been updated in 2023, and the updated plan will be in effect for 2024-2026. The plan will be updated next during 2026.
HYY’s Policy Paper guides HYY’s operations and defines its key policies as relevant to the advocacy work it conducts. The Policy Paper is based on the Student Union’s Strategy.
The Student Union’s Representative Council is responsible for drafting and approving the Policy Paper. Approving the Policy Paper requires a majority of the votes.
The aim of the Policy Paper is to define the Student Union’s stance on various themes, some of which may be political in nature. The themes are divided into three main categories: the Student Union, the University, and society. The Policy Paper serves as the foundation of the Student Union’s advocacy work.
The Policy Paper is updated when the need arises, and it is in effect indefinitely.
The aim of the Sustainable Development Plan is to reduce the negative environmental effects caused by HYY’s operation and to promote the realisation of the principles of sustainable development.
The Representative Council is responsible for preparing and approving the Sustainable Development Plan.
The Sustainable Development Plan replaces the previous Environmental Programme. The Sustainable Development Plan also sets guidelines for the operations of organisations operating under HYY. The plan features indicators used to review the realisation of the plan.
HYY’s Urban Programme sets out the Student Union’s policies for its advocacy work related to urban affairs as well as guides the work of its urban sector.
The Representative Council is responsible for updating and approving the Urban Programme.
The Urban Programme is used to challenge the operation of the city – it informs the city what students at the University of Helsinki want from it. For this reason, the Urban Programme mostly includes themes concerning students: housing, transport, services, the status of international students in the city, and the city as a communal, responsible and participatory operator.
The Urban Programme was last updated in 2020 and will next be updated in 2023. The current document is in effect 2021–2024.
HYY’s daily operation
The Action Plan of the Central Office is a plan for HYY’s Central Office’s operation during the year in question, put together based on the Programme of Objectives.
HYY’s Board is responsible for preparing and approving the action plan, and the Representative Council is notified of the plan annually by the end of February.
The action plan includes implementation plans set for the objectives in the Programme of Objectives along with, for instance, schedules for the projects related to the objectives. HYY’s Board consults the employees at the Central Office when updating the action plan.
The action plan is updated every year and usually processed in the Representative Council’s second or third meeting of the year.
The annual report is a report compiled by the people at HYY’s Central Office, detailing the activities that have taken place in the Student Union during the year.
The annual report is prepared by the people at HYY’s Central Office, and the Representative Council is notified of the report in one of its meetings during the spring.
The purpose of the annual report is to have a record of the year’s events and to review the year and its events as a whole.
The annual report is written every year and addressed in the Representative Council’s meeting during the spring, in connection with processing the financial statement.
Due to its length, the annual report is generally not translated into English.
The communication strategy is HYY’s communication sector’s own strategy aimed at ensuring that our communication is goal-oriented and serves a purpose. The communication strategy also guides crisis communication.
The communication sector and the Board of the Student Union are responsible for updating the communication strategy, with the latter also approving the strategy.
The communication strategy serves as the basis for planning communication. It is used to guide the planning and realisation of daily communication.
The current communication strategy is in effect 2020–2022, and it will next be updated in 2023.
Unfortunately, the communication strategy is not available in English.
The description of continuous activities is a description of the activities that HYY’s Central Office conducts on a daily basis. The aim of the description is to highlight all the various duties included in the operation and administration of the Student Union.
Employees at the Central Office are responsible for updating the description of continuous activities.
The description of continuous activities is used to record all the activities taking place at HYY’s Central Office on a continuous basis. The document is divided into sections based on the different sectors operating within HYY. It also identifies the people responsible for each issue.
The description of continuous activities is updated annually.
HYY’s GDPR documents include the required statements on controlling data files and on data protection.
The Student Union’s main sector – the chair of the Board, the secretary general and the chief financial and service officer – is responsible for drafting and updating the GDPR documents.
The GDPR documents govern data processing and archiving in the Student Union.
The GDPR documents are updated when the need arises.
HYY’s principles of safer space apply to our activities and events. With our principles, we aim to create practices that help everyone promote a safer and more equal environment.
The principles of Safer Space were created on 2021. The principles are updated when the need arises by HYY’s board.
The Programme of Objectives sets out HYY’s focus areas for each operating year. Drafting the programme is influenced by the Student Union’s Strategy and an up-to-date assessment of the operating environment. The programme determines the strategic objectives that are under particular scrutiny at a given time.
HYY’s Board is responsible for preparing the Programme of Objectives, while the Representative Council is responsible for approving it.
The Programme of Objectives governs HYY’s objectives during the year. It serves as the basis for the Action Plan of the Central Office. The programme often includes a couple of more detailed objectives from the Strategy that activities during the year in question are then focused on.
The Programme of Objectives is updated every year and usually processed in the Representative Council’s second-to-last meeting of the year.
The SYL–OLL background memorandum describes the activities of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) as well as clarifies HYY’s relationship to the two umbrella organisations.
The Representative Council is responsible for preparing and approving the SYL–OLL background memorandum.
The SYL–OLL background memorandum is used as the basis when planning the general assembly process and its schedule. The document also includes annual schedules for the most important matters in SYL’s and OLL’s activities from HYY’s perspective.
The SYL–OLL background memorandum is updated when the need arises. It was last updated in 2023.
Documents related to organisational activities
The allocation model for the operating grants governs the way in which the Student Union allocates the operating grants to the organisations that apply for them as well as the criteria the organisations must fulfil to receive certain parts of the grant.
The Financial Committee prepares and approves the allocation model for the operating grants.
The aim of the allocation model for the operating grants is to serve as a foundation for the way in which the operating grants are allocated. It defines the criteria for allocating the grants and determines the maximum changes in and minimum amounts of the grants. The document determines how the operating grants are allocated.
The allocation model for the operating grants is updated annually.
The allocation of premises is a document that sets out the allocation of the Student Union’s organisational premises to organisations during the allocation period in question.
The allocation of premises is prepared by the Financial Committee, which consults organisations during the process. To be included in the allocation of premises, organisations must apply for premises from the Student Union. The allocation of premises is approved by the Board of the Student Union.
The aim of the groundwork for the allocation of premises is to chart the use of premises among organisations that operate under the Student Union and use its premises as well as their needs for premises and changes in their use of the premises. The document ‘Principles for the allocation of premises’ also serves as part of the process. The allocation of premises for the next allocation period is made based on these documents.
The allocation of premises is made for one allocation period at a time. This period usually lasts four years. The current allocation of premises is in effect 2021–2023. The period is shorter than usual because we are changing the timing of the allocation of premises so that it takes place in odd years.
Säännöt uusien järjestöjen hyväksymisestä HYYn tiloihin tilajakokausien välillä, in Finnish
The conditions for the allocation and use of operating grants is a document that governs the allocation and use of the operating grants the Student Union awards to organisations.
The Financial Committee is responsible for drafting the conditions for the allocation and use of operating grants.
The conditions for the allocation and use of operating grants provide a framework for what organisations should be like in order to receive operating grants from the Student Union. The document determines the recipients of the operating grants.
The conditions for the allocation and use of operating grants are updated annually.
Toiminta-avustusten myöntämisen ja käytön ehdot, in Finnish
Toiminta-avustuksen hakuaika ja tarvittavat liiteet, in Finnish
The criteria for granting the advance payment of the operating grant is a document that governs the advance payment of the operating grants the Student Union awards to organisations.
The Financial Committee is responsible for drafting the criteria for granting the advance payment of the operating grant.
The criteria for granting the advance payment of the operating grant are needed because the allocation of operating grants often only takes place at the beginning of April. This might cause some organisations financial trouble. To avoid any problems, the Financial Committee awards organisations that have submitted appropriately completed applications a part of their operating grant before the applications have been fully processed. This document determines the criteria used to grant advance payments of operating grants.
The criteria for granting the advance payment of the operating grant are updated annually.
HYY’s User Guideline for Organisational Premises governs the use of organisational premises maintained by HYY.
The User Guideline for Organisational Premises is prepared by the specialist in organisations and approved by the secretary general.
The purpose of the User Guideline for Organisational Premises is to maintain the pleasantness and safety of the premises. The guideline applies to all organisations that have signed the contract for organisational premises as well as their members and guests.
The User Guideline for Organisational Premises is updated when the need arises.
The principles for the allocation of premises is a document created to govern the fair realisation of the allocation of premises.
The Financial Committee drafts the principles for the allocation of premises.
The aim of the principles for the allocation of premises is to establish ground rules for the allocation process. This makes it easier to allocate the premises, as it prevents the occurrence of conflicts of interest.
The principles for the allocation of premises are updated before the beginning of each allocation process, around every four years. The next update is due to take place in 2023.
The rules for organisations operating under HYY is a document that governs the approval of organisations applying to operate under the Student Union.
The Financial Committee drafts the rules for organisations operating under HYY.
The rules serve as the basis for the selection of organisations operating under HYY and as instructions for the Financial Committee, which makes the selections, to ensure that all organisations accepted to operate under the Student Union operate according to the rules set by the Student Union.
The rules for organisations operating under HYY are updated annually.
The rules and terms for the use of meeting facilities is a document that governs the use of the Student Union’s meeting facilities: Wilhelmsson Hall, Seppele, Barrikaadi and Kabinetti.
The Financial Committee is responsible for drafting the rules and terms for the use of meeting facilities.
The aim of the user agreement for meeting facilities is to set the framework for the use of meeting facilities as well as to state the consequences of any infractions.
The rules and terms for the use of meeting facilities are updated when the need arises.
The rules and terms for the use of the Sivistys sauna is a document that governs the use of the Student Union’s sauna facility, Sivistys.
The Financial Committee is responsible for drafting the rules and terms for the use of the Sivistys sauna.
The aim of the user agreement for the Sivistys sauna is to set the framework for the use of the sauna facilities and their rental fee as well as to state the consequences of any infractions.
The rules and terms for the use of the Sivistys sauna are updated when the need arises.
The terms and conditions of Alina Hall’s user agreement set out the terms and conditions for using Alina Hall.
The Financial Committee is responsible for drafting the terms and conditions of Alina Hall’s user agreement.
The terms and conditions of Alina Hall’s user agreement are meant to inform the organisations using Alina Hall which activities are permitted in the premises and what duties the organisations renting the hall have.
The terms and conditions of Alina Hall’s user agreement are updated when the need arises.
The terms and conditions for the allocation and use of grants for student magazines is a document that governs the allocation and use of grants for student magazines awarded to organisations.
The Financial Committee is responsible for drafting the terms and conditions for the allocation and use of grants for student magazines.
Grants for student magazines may be awarded to organisations that have applied for them in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this document. The aim of the grants is to support the production of organisations’ own student magazines.
The terms and conditions for the allocation and use of grants for student magazines are updated when the need arises.
Terms and conditions for the allocation and use of grants for student magazines
The terms and conditions for the awarding and use of project grants determine the application period for project grants and the criteria for awarding the grants.
The Financial Committee is responsible for drafting and updating the terms and conditions for the awarding and use of project grants.
The terms and conditions for the awarding and use of project grants is a document meant to guide the use of project grants awarded by the Student Union and determine the criteria the Student Union uses to award the grants.
The terms and conditions for the awarding and use of project grants are updated when the need arises.
Terms and conditions for the awarding and use of project grants
Financial documents
Financial documents have been divided into three different categories: the Student Union, Ylva and Ylioppilaslehti
The Student Union’s financial documents
The budget is an annual plan on HYY’s financial management.
The budget is prepared by the Student Union’s chief financial and service officer according to instructions provided by the secretary general. The secretary general’s proposal is first processed by the Financial Committee and then by the Board, which proposes it to the Representative Council for approval. The Representative Council approves the budget.
The budget is put together based on other financial documents, such as the Medium-term Financial Plan. The budget is meant to closely define the Student Union’s financial management during the following year.
The Representative Council approves the budget for the next operating year before the end of the previous year. Usually, this takes place in the Representative Council’s last meeting of the year.
The Student Union’s operating finances refers to the operating finances tied to the regulations and budget of a statutory public community that has the right to self-governance. The Student Union’s Representative Council defines the operations covered by the Student Union’s operating finances at any given time. The Student Union’s operating finances are governed by the Student Union’s Constitution and Administrative Regulation.
The Student Union’s chief financial officer is responsible for drafting the financial statement and financial report of operating finances. The financial statement and financial report are brought to the Representative Council’s spring meeting on the financial statement for approval. The financial statement and financial report of operating finances are made annually.
The Medium-term Financial Plan determines how the Student Union’s finances are managed during a period of three operating years.
The initial proposal for the Medium-term Financial Plan is made by the Student Union’s Financial Committee. After this, the Board addresses the Financial Committee’s proposal, which then goes to the Representative Council for approval. Approving the plan requires a majority of votes.
The aim of the Medium-term Financial Plan is to steer the Student Union’s financial management by providing a broad outline for it. The annual budgets are made based on the plan.
Each Representative Council approves a medium-term financial plan once during its term. The current Medium-term Financial Plan was approved in 2021 and is in effect until 2024. This means that the next update process will begin in 2024.
The Student Union collects a membership fee from its members. The membership fee covers one academic year, with the parts for autumn and spring terms listed separately. The membership fee may be different for basic degree students and postgraduate students.
The Board of the Student Union makes a proposal on the membership fee to the Representative Council. The council processes the proposal in its budget meeting, which is usually its last meeting of the year.
The membership fee is used to cover part of the expenses of operating finances. The Student Union is currently committed to the goal of having no membership fees by 2025 through a decision made by the Representative Council.
According to the Student Union’s Administrative Regulation, the Representative Council must decide the Student Union’s membership fee for the following academic year in connection with approving the budget. The University’s Rector must then confirm this membership fee.
Annual decision on membership fee refunds for academic year 2023
Ylva’s financial documents
The Student Union of the University of Helsinki is a public corporation that has the right to self-governance. Its status is based on the Universities Act (558/2009). Based on the Student Union’s statutory, confirmed Constitution, the finances of properties owned by the Student Union, which are subject to the Accounting Act, function as the parent community of Ylva, a group consisting of entities of different forms, as referred to in the Accounting Act.
The consolidated financial statement is a financial statement that collects the financial statements of all the different parts of Ylva together and thus gives the clearest picture of Ylva’s financial situation.
The consolidated financial statement is approved by Ylva’s Board, and Ylva’s Supervisory Board issues a statement on it to the Representative Council. The consolidated financial statement is presented to the Representative Council every year in its spring meeting on the financial statement.
The financial statement of property finances is a statutory document that serves as the basis for the company’s tax return and defines its distributable assets.
HYY’s property finances conducts real estate business and securities investment activities (securities portfolio and venture investments). Business operations are also conducted under the brand name Ylva (previously HYY Real Estate). HYY’s property finances has five subsidiaries: Ylva Services Ltd, Kiinteistö Oy Leppätalo, Kiinteistö Oy Kaivokatu 12, Ylva Helsinki Oy and Kiinteistö Oy Helsingin Lyyra. HYY’s property finances, its subsidiaries and Ylva Services Ltd together make up Ylva. HYY’s property finances is the group’s parent community.
Ylva is responsible for drafting the financial statement and annual report of property finances. Ylva’s Board submits the financial statement of property finances for approval, with HYY’s Board approving and signing it. The Supervisory Board issues a statement on the financial statement for the Representative Council. The financial statement and annual report are brought to the Representative Council’s spring meeting on the financial statement for confirmation.
The financial statement and annual report of property finances are made annually.
In accordance with the Administrative Regulation, this document defines Ylva’s annual investment and risk framework. Ylva’s Ownership Strategy provides a more long-term perspective on the investment and risk framework.
Ylva is responsible for preparing the investment and risk framework. Ylva submits the document it has prepared to the Board, which proposes the framework to the Representative Council for approval. The approval takes place in the Representative Council’s meeting – typically the budget meeting, which is usually the council’s last meeting of the year.
In the investment and risk framework, the owner accepts the liability risks for the proposed period. The investment and risk framework refers to the maximum amounts of equity investments, shareholder loans, guarantees and other securities.
The following are considered as liability risks: equity investments, internal and external loans, and granted guarantees, mortgages and securities. The investment and risk framework determines the maximum amount for these risks.
The investment and risk framework is made annually.
Unfortunately, recent investment and risk frameworks are not available in English.
The Ownership Strategy determines HYY’s will regarding the direction of Ylva’s business operations and creates a framework for drafting Ylva’s business strategies.
Ylva and the Student Union’s Board are responsible for preparing the Ownership Strategy, while the Student Union’s Representative Council approves it.
The policies of the Ownership Strategy create a framework within which the business strategies of Ylva must be drafted. The Ownership Strategy defines the indicators that show the owner’s will to advance the positive development of these areas of business. The document is public and meant for all members of the Student Union. Based on a statement drafted by the Supervisory Board, the Representative Council assesses the implementation of the Ownership Strategy annually in connection with discussing the financial statement.
The Ownership Strategy is updated every four years but assessed once during the term of each Representative Council. This means that the assessment is made every two years. The current Ownership Strategy is in effect 2022–2026, and the next update process will begin in 2024.
Financial documents of Ylioppilaslehti
The budget of Ylioppilaslehti sets out provisions for the magazine’s financial management during the following year.
The budget of Ylioppilaslehti is drafted by the editor in chief of the magazine and approved by the Board of Ylioppilaslehden Kustannus Ltd. The Student Union’s Board confirms the budget, and the Financial Committee then issues a statement on it for the Representative Council. The budget is finally presented to the Representative Council in its budget meeting, which is usually its last meeting of the year.
Unfortunately, the budget of Ylioppilaslehti is not available in English.
The document detemining the ownership streering policies for Ylioppilaslehden Kustannus LTD determines the owner’s will regarding the direction of the business operations of Ylioppilaslehden Kustannus Ltd. The policies of the steering document create a framework within which the strategy of Ylioppilaslehden Kustannus Ltd must be drafted.
The Student Union’s Board is responsible for preparing the document detemining the ownership streering policies, while the Student Union’s Representative Council approves it.
The values and goals of Ylioppilaslehden Kustannus LTD are determined in the document. The document does not impede the journalistic freedom of Ylioppilaslehti.
Based on a statement drafted by the Board of Ylioppilaslehden Kustannus Ltd, the Representative Council annually assesses the implementation of the steering document in connection with discussing the financial statement.
The document may be updated whenever the owner considers it necessary, the necessity of updating the document must be considered at least every four years.Unfortunately, the document is not available in English.
Ylioppilaslehden Kustannus Oy:n omistajaohjauslinjoja määrittelevä asiakirja
The financial statement and annual report of Ylioppilaslehti are statutory documents that provide an overview of the company’s operations during the previous year.
The financial statement and annual report of Ylioppilaslehti are drafted by the editor in chief of Ylioppilaslehti and approved by the Board of Ylioppilaslehden Kustannus Ltd. The Student Union’s Board confirms the financial statement and annual report and the Financial Committee then issues a statement on them for the Representative Council. The financial statement and annual report are then presented to the Representative Council in its spring meeting on the financial statement. The financial statement and annual report are drafted annually.
Unfortunately, the financial statement and annual report of Ylioppilaslehti are not available in English.
Further information
HYY’s document secretary is responsible for updating this page. Please contact the document secretary if you notice anything missing.