
Student card

All students who have registered for attendance at the University of Helsinki and paid the Student Union’s membership fee are entitled to a student card. Showing either a digital card or a physical card that has a valid year tag allows you to use all the services and benefits available to students.

This guide has instructions on ordering your student card, choosing a suitable card type and picking up your year tag as well as information on the discounts the card entitles you to.



Student cards are ordered through Frank. Besides benefits and discounts, Frank’s website includes a service you can use to order your student card. You can pay for the card by any debit card or credit card.

New degree students can order a student card or activate a digital student card after registering for attendance at the University (which usually starts on 1 August for new students). The student card of a new student can therefore be printed after the start of their studies.

Order your card

Card types

    • Digital student card

      Available for Android and iOS phones through Frank App for €0.

      An international digital ISIC student ID is available for €4 per year.

    • Student card for basic degree students

      The price is €25 including delivery costs and a digital student card provided by Frank.

    • ISIC combination card for basic degree students

      The price is €40 including delivery costs and a digital student card provided by Frank.

    • Postgraduate student card

      The price is €25 including delivery costs and a digital student card provided by Frank.

    • ISIC combination card for postgraduate students

      The price is €40 including delivery costs and a digital student card provided by Frank.

Year tag

Year tag

For a student card to be valid, it needs a year tag that must be renewed annually. Without it, the card does not entitle you to benefits or discounts. For this reason, it is important that you come and pick up your year tag either from the temporary year tag distribution points we will be organising or from our Services Office.

Pick up year tag
    • Picking up your own year tag

      Take a photo ID with you. First, however, remember to check that you have registered for attendance and paid the Student Union’s membership fee. After this, just choose a suitable year tag distribution point.

    • Picking up a year tag for someone else

      Take a photo ID, the student card you are getting a year tag for and a power of attorney with you.

      However, getting a year tag for a student card with a MasterCard payment feature is only possible by picking it up in person.

      For a new student card without an old year tag, you must always pick up the sticker in person.

    • Year tag distribution points

      At the beginning of the academic year, we are setting up temporary year tag distribution points. At other times, year tags are distributed at our Services Office during its opening hours. Please note that we are only distributing year tags for student cards ordered through Frank or one of our previous card suppliers (e.g. Lyyra or Unicard). We cannot distribute year tags for cards ordered through ISIC, for instance.

    • Tag for the spring term

      Those who have registered for non-attendance for the autumn term and for attendance for the spring term may pick up their tag for the spring term from our Services Office from January onwards. This also applies to students who are registering for attendance for the spring term after the actual annual registration.

    • In case of a damaged year tag

      If your year tag falls off your student card or its edges start to peel off, you should get a new year tag from HYY’s Services Office. Bring your student card and the old year tag with you.


  • If you lose your student card, you can order a new one from the website.

  • You can get a certificate of student status (previously study certificate) and an official transcript of studies from the University’s student information points.

  • If you are unsure whether you are entitled to a basic degree student’s blue or postgraduate student’s green card, ask for advice from HYY’s Services Office.

    Generally speaking, all bachelor’s and master’s students in Finland are basic degree students and thus entitled to a blue card.

  • You can read about the payment feature on Danske Bank’s website. Danske Bank’s experts will also answer your questions in the chat service available on the website.

  • Frank’s digital card expires approximately one month after graduation. The physical student card is valid until the end of January or September, depending on the validity of the year tag.

    If you would like to order a physical student card before graduation, please order your card well in advance of graduation.