Survival Guide
If academic freedom leaves you puzzled, you can find help from our survival guide for students. The guide provides answers to questions you may have on subsistence, housing, public transport, health and wellbeing.
Student card
Student card
All students who have registered for attendance at the University of Helsinki and paid the Student Union’s membership fee are entitled to a student card. Showing either a digital card or a physical card that has a valid year tag allows you to use all the services and benefits available to students.
This guide has instructions on ordering your student card, choosing a suitable card type and picking up your year tag as well as information on the discounts the card entitles you to.
As a student, your subsistence usually consists of the study grant and general housing allowance. In addition to these, you can take out a government-guaranteed student loan. During difficult times, you can turn to sickness allowance or basic social assistance. If needed, you can also contact HYY’s specialists – we are here for you!
NOTE! These instructions only apply to those students who are covered by the Finnish social security system.
Helsinki is a lovely city to live in! Finding an apartment in our capital can, however, be difficult. This page features our guide on apartment hunting, which we have written to make it easier for you to find your own home. If you need any advice related to housing, you can always contact our specialist in charge of housing.
Public transport
Public transport
As a student, you need to get from home to the campus, from lectures to your job and from your job to your hobbies – using public transport to travel around the city. This guide has information on public transport in the Helsinki region and on student discounts related to travelling that will make your everyday life a bit easier.
Health and wellbeing
Health and wellbeing
It is easier for you to enjoy studying when you are healthy and motivated! Thankfully, you have the FSHS, municipal healthcare services and the Student Union all taking care of your health. We influence health promotion in various working groups and provide support for finding help to ensure that your studies are as pleasant and effortless as possible.
This guide provides you with information on student healthcare as well as help for different crisis situations.
Equality and harassment contact persons
Equality and harassment contact persons
HYY actively works to ensure that there is no discrimination, harassment, racism or other inappropriate treatment in the Student Union. HYY must be a safe space for everyone. Read more about HYY’s equality activities and our harassment contact persons.
Students’ legal protection in studies
Students’ legal protection in studies
It is in everyone’s interests at the University that you are able to complete your studies smoothly all the way from the orientation on fresher week to graduation. To ensure this, the University of Helsinki has set some shared ground rules that outline the duties of students, teachers and other staff members.
As a student, you have both rights and obligations in your studies. For this reason, we recommend that you get to know the ground rules at the start of your studies and make sure to follow them by, for instance, signing up for exams in time, participating in teaching, returning assignments related to your studies within the time limit set for them and acting honestly. You have the right to trust the information provided by the University, to complete your studies and to be treated equally to other students.
In case you run into any trouble, we will support you in problem situations related to your studies and help you navigate the University’s maze of regulations!
Sisu is a study information system in which you draft your personal study plan. The goal is that students will have a clearer path to follow from the commencement of studies to graduation, as well as smoother access to digital services. Your study plan in Sisu helps you keep up to date on your progress and portray in a visual format which studies you have completed and which studies you must still complete for your degree. You can receive feedback on your study plan, as well as ask questions from your supervisor directly via Sisu.
Support for students with children
Support for students with children
It isn’t always easy to combine your studies with a family life. As a student with children you have rights and the possibility to use different benefits and services to make your daily life a bit easier.
Little HYY
Little HYY
Our child care service Little HYY provides HYY’s members with temporary child care help. The minimum age for children is 6 months, and the maximum duration of child care is four hours at a time.
Little HYY operates at Siltavuorenpenger 3 C.