Member Services

All students completing a bachelor’s or master’s degree at the University of Helsinki are members of our Student Union. In total, this adds up to 27,000 members, all students. In exchange for an annual membership fee, we provide you with numerous services and benefits.

As a member, you get many benefits and services

We offer benefits and arrange services to students who have registered for attendance at the University and thus become members of our Student Union. To become our member, you need to pay our membership fee in connection with your annual registration. Whether you are a basic degree student, a postgraduate student or an exchange student, you are very welcome as our member!

Read more about membership and membership fee University's guide for annual registration

Student card acts as proof of being a student

When you have completed your annual registration and paid your membership fee, you can order your own student card. Both digital and physical versions of the card are available, with or without a payment feature. The student card is activated annually with a year tag that you can get from our Services Office or from temporary year tag collection points.

Read more about student cards Order your student card from Frank Collect your year tag

Welcome to the Student Union, fresher!

One of the best things about studying at the University of Helsinki is its diverse student community – and as a new student you are a part of it. Together we are the largest and oldest student union in Finland, and we want to welcome you as our member!

New international students

Survival guide makes student life easier

If academic freedom leaves you puzzled, you can find help from our survival guide for students. The guide provides answers to questions you may have on subsistence, housing, public transport, health and wellbeing.

Survival guide

HYY's member services

Other student discounts and services