About this description
Everyone has the right of access to an official document in the public domain (621/1999, Section 9). HYY’s documents are generally public. However, they may also include confidential information. The confidentiality is always based on the Act on the Openness of Government Activities or other legislation. The party concerned also has the right to receive information concerning themselves.
Submitting an information request
Information requests addressed to the Student Union of the University of Helsinki can be submitted to the Student Union by email to hallinto@hyy.fi. If needed, the Student Union’s secretary general will provide help with the specification or other formatting of the information requests. You can contact the secretary general by email at paasihteeri@hyy.fi or by phone at 040 081 6426.
The Student Union also publishes a lot of information online to contribute to the realisation of the publicity principle.
Case register
HYY’s case register is currently still incomplete. Information on the case register and case management will be added here once the development work is completed.
On documentation
The Student Union of the University of Helsinki possesses documentation and documents related to the following themes.
Selection of student representatives and preparation of the selections
The selection of student representatives is a statutory duty of the Student Union. The specialist in educational policy is responsible for preparing the selection of student representatives. The specialist acts as the presenter in faculty-specific selection committees, the Central Selection Committee, the Board and, if needed, the Representative Council. The selection of student representatives is carried out by the Student Union’s Board with the exception of the Collegium and the University Board to whom student representatives are appointed by the Representative Council. The person with the most information on the selection of student representatives is the specialist in educational policy in charge of the selections. You can contact him at riku-petteri.kyllonen@hyy.fi.
Calls for applications to become a student representative are published on HYY’s website and the Halloped.fi system. Submitted applications are stored in the Halloped.fi system. The eligibility of students for the different positions is checked from Sisu.
Decision-making bodies
HYY’s main decision-making bodies are the Representative Council and the Board. The duties of these bodies are described in more detail in the Student Union’s Constitution and Administrative Regulation. Both administrative bodies also have separate administrative bodies operating under them. Decision-making bodies create a lot of documents, including agendas, lists of decisions, minutes and various appendices to decisions and other background material. The lists of decisions from the meetings of the Student Union’s Board and Representative Council are published on the official noticeboard on HYY’s website. The lists of decisions and agendas are also sent to the open email list for the Representative Council, which anyone can join. The easiest way to get started with requests for access to documents concerning the operation of decision-making bodies is often to request access to lists of decisions, as they offer a way to delve deeper into the matter and request access to other documents if needed. In addition to the Representative Council and Board, HYY’s decision-making bodies include the Student Union’s general meeting and the Central Election Committee, which is responsible for organising the Representative Council elections.
- Board
- Regulation Committee
- Badge Committee
- Financial Committee
- Representative Council
- Preparatory Committee
- Meeting of the chairs of Representative Council groups
- Board
Operation of the Student Union
The Student Union’s daily operation does not necessarily always move through decision-making bodies if separate executive decisions are not needed from the Board, for instance. Documents created during continuous activities include various opinion pieces, blog posts, information entered into the Transparency Register, brochures meant for membership marketing, instructions given to organisations, member newsletters and financial material.
- Membership
- Events
- Organisations
- Advocacy work
- Communication
- Volunteer activities
- Finances
The Student Union’s archives
Material deposited to the Student Union’s archives includes especially any material related to attending to the Student Union’s public administrative function and documents related to decision-making processes. Other documents related to the Student Union’s activities have also been deposited to the archives. The archives serve HYY’s members, organisations operating under HYY and researchers. The pricing of services offered by the archives follows the rates for archive services. Please contact the archivist if your matter concerns the archives. You can contact the archivist by email at arkisto@hyy.fi. Please note that HYY’s archivist only works on two days a week on average. In urgent matters, please contact the secretary general.
Documents of property finances
The Student Union’s property finances manages the Student Union’s property assets. Further information on the documents of property finances is provided by HYY’s secretary general, HYY’s finance director and Ylva’s office manager.
Search criteria
Typical search criteria in the Student Union’s information resources include various identifying data, such as the following:
- Name of the administrative body in which the decision was made
- Year
- Date
- Type of document (minutes, meeting appendix, memorandum, email)
- Case identifier
Information request on a public document
It is advisable to specify your information request in as much detail as possible to make finding the document easier. Information requests should be defined in a way that discloses the document(s) the request concerns. For instance, the date or title of the document should always be mentioned if you know it. If the information request concerns a public document, the request does not need to be justified and the person requesting the information does not need to state what they intend to use the information for. Information requests on public documents may be made in informal fashion, in writing by email or by phone, for instance.
Information request on a confidential document
When requesting information on confidential document(s) on which information may only be disclosed under certain conditions, the person requesting the document must state their intended purpose of use for the information and be able to verify their identity. The Student Union may also request other information from the person requesting the document if this is needed to ensure that the conditions for disclosing the information are met. Information requests on confidential documents should be made in writing with the signature of the person requesting the information included in the document.
We recommend delivering information requests on confidential documents to the secretary general in person as this allows the identity of the person making the request to be verified at the same time. If the information request is delivered by mail or email, we will try to verify the identity of the person making the request by other means.
Fees collected for handing out documents
The Board of the Student Union decided on the fees collected for handing out documents on 27 March 2024.
Requests in which the document is entirely public or removing its confidential parts is easy are considered regular requests for access to a document. The document must be identifiable and available in the Student Union’s document system using the document classification in use and the document’s identifier or in an electronically maintained register using its search functions.
Requests in which searching for the document is not possible using the regular means described above are considered requests for access to a document requiring special measures. Requests are also considered special in cases where reviewing or deleting confidential information from the document requires more work than usual or where the request is exceptionally extensive. Situations in which special search, screening, combining or printing features of automatic data processing are needed are also considered to require special measures.
Information provided orally or by email or made available to read at the Student Union's office premises
Regular requests for access to a document are granted for free.
Requests for access to a document requiring special measures: A fee of €50 per hour, rounded up to the nearest hour, is collected for searching for the information and reviewing or deleting confidential parts of the document.
Copies and printouts
Price per copy: €1 per A4-sized page and €2 per A3-sized page. Minimum charge is €10 per invoice.
In the case of requests for access to a document requiring special measures, a fee of €50 per hour, rounded up to the nearest hour, is collected for searching for the information and reviewing or deleting confidential parts of the document, in addition to the prices listed above.
Rates for archive services
HYY’s archives adhere to the payment grounds in the Student Union’s description of the publicity of documents, with the following additions:
- Copies and storage media
- Photocopies according to the payment grounds in the Student Union’s description of the publicity of documents
- Flash drives €10.00 per drive
- Reports, transcripts and scanned copies
- €50.00 per hour, rounded up to the nearest hour
- Reports a minimum of €50.00
- Scanned copies and transcripts (from printed and handwritten sources) that take over 30 minutes are invoiced as hourly paid work
- Publication fee for photos, videos and recordings
- €100.00 per piece
- Brokerage
- According to the invoice with an added €15.00 commission (reproduction of drawings, photos, etc. as a commercial service)
- Late fee on borrowed material
- €10.00 per week per unit
- Fee for damaged or lost material
- A minimum of €100.00 per piece
- Purchase price of similar material if the material is immediately replaceable by purchasing a new, identical version
- A minimum of €100.00 per piece
- Postal and transport charges
- According to actual costs
For justifiable reasons, the archives may waive the charge or discount it by 25%. Individuals or organisations that have neglected to pay their charges as listed in the rates for archive services do not have the right to use the archive services before making the payment. The archives do not conduct commissioned research.
- Copies and storage media