Join the Carnival!
HYY organises the Opening Carnival to open the academic year on at 2-6 PM on Monday 2 September at the City Centre Campus!
Come and learn about organisational activities, meet your Student Union and the University’s actors, add to your overall badge collection and take in the music, good atmosphere and diverse supplementary programme. The programme is organised in Kaisa House, Porthania, Main Building and in the outdoor area of the City Centre Campus.
Programme and event area
- Event area
- 2–6 pm organisations present their activities
- Porthania stage
- 2:10 pm SOSSu
- 3:15 pm Sara Bee
- 5:05 pm Kukkatalo
- Kirkkokatu stage
- 4:00 pm Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat
- 4:15 pm Lyran and Akademen
- 4:30 pm Wiipurilaisen Osakunnan Laulajat
- 4:45 pm Hämäläis-Osakunnan Laulajat
- 5:00 pm Savolaisen Osakunnan Laulajat
- 5:15 pm Ylioppilaskunnan Soittajat
- 5:30 pm Akateeminen Laulu
- 5:45 pm Symbioosin kuoro
- Intersection of Fabianinkatu and Yliopistonkatu
- 2:00 pm Ylioppilasteatteri
- 3.30 pm Martial Arts showcase
- 3:30 pm Aikido
- 3:40 pm Bujikan Hotaru Dojo
- 3:45 pm Judo
- 3:50 pm Karate
- 3:55 pm Taido
- 4:00 pm Kendo
- 4:05 pm Taekwon-do
- 4:10 pm Kashima Shinryu
- 4:15 pm Tai Shin Mun
Event area
The programme is organised in Kaisa House, Porthania, Main Building and in the outdoor area of the City Centre Campus. Each building has an accessible entrance.
More than 100 organisations are participating in the event!
At the Opening Carnival you can get to know, for example, HYY’s Committees, student organisations operating under HYY and different actors of the University. If you can’t wait until the Opening Carnival, you can make acquaintance with the participants beforehand!
Also included are, among others:
- Eduskunnan kirjasto (Library of Finnish Parliament)
- Kilroy
- SPR, Pohjois- ja Keski-Helsingin osasto (Red Cross)
- Pääkaupunkiseudun etsivä nuorisotyö (Outreach youth workers)
- ResQ Club
- UniSport
- Viking Line
Principles of safer space
HYY’s principles of safer space apply to our activities and events. With our principles, we aim to create practices that help everyone promote a safer and more equal environment. A safer space is created through interaction and we all have a responsibility of creating it.
Get to know HYY’s principles of safer space
Persons in charge of event safety
Persons in charge of event safety support and help you if needed suring the event.
- Tilda Lassila, (+358) 050 595 0327
- Petra Pulli, (+358) 050 344 3730
Videos and photography
Video- and photographers will be present at the event. You can identify them by their vests.
The photos and videos will be used in HYY’s communication and marketing. If you do not want to be seen in the photos, please inform the photographer directly and avoid posing for the camera.
Photos from the event will be published on HYY’s Flickr account after the event.
If you have any questions about the photo material from the event, please contact us at some[at]
A lot of people will attend the event. It can be crowded and hot in the event area, especially indoors.
The event will take place in several buildings and outdoor areas. The terrain in the event area is sloping and cobbled. Depending on the weather conditions, the terrain may be slippery.
There will be loud noises. There may be some bright lights.
For accessibility issues in the event area, please contact Pia Blomstén, HYY’s producer (