Organisations operating within HYY

There are nearly 250 student organisations within HYY! You can gain practical experience and find like-minded friends. Whether your interests lie in politics or table ice hockey, there's an organisation for you. From dance to theology, check out the list below and find the right organisation for you. If you still can't find one to fit you, you can start a new one!

Subject and faculty organisations

The University of Helsinki has 11 faculties, each of which has different student organisations. An organisation of students in the same field is called a subject organisation. Several faculties have a faculty organisation that coordinates cooperation between subject organisations. Some multidisciplinary subject associations may operate across faculty boundaries. In addition to events and other activities, subject and faculty organisations often lobby for student interests within the faculty.

Faculty of Theology

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Pharmacy

Faculty of Biological and Environmental sciences

Faculty of Educational sciences

Faculty of Social sciences

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

Faculty of Veterinary medicine

Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan

Student Nations

Student Nations ate interdisciplinary student associations of different ages and from different disciplines, whose members are usually linked by ties to the same geographical area. Any member of the student union can join a nation, regardless of their field of study, lifestyle or political preferences. People often join a nation on the basis of their region of origin, student accodomodation, hobbies, friendships or family ties, for example. Nations are among the oldest student organisations in Finland. Four of the University of Helsinki’s 15 nations are Swedish-speaking.

Social and religious organisations

Are you interested in the politics of HYY’s representative council? Would you like to make a difference in society? Are you looking for a spiritual home?

Find your community in a social environment!

HYY's Representative Council parties

Yhteiskunnalliset järjestöt

Uskonnolliset järjestöt

Culture organisations

Are you a movie lover? Interested in folk dance? Are you familiar with the concept of omstart?

Whether your passion is tinkering behind the curtain, singing in a choir or tooting the tuba, our organisations have cultural activities to fit all tastes!





Muut kulttuurijärjestöt

Hobby organisations

Looking for something else?

Perhaps you are a global citizen interested in international activities? Do you yearn to sail on the seas? Would you like to throw someone on the tatami? Do you think about chess every day? Have you ever wanted to plot for days on end to shoot strangers with a water pistol?

Check out the other hobby organisations within HYY!

International organisations

Sports and atheletics

Game organisations

Other organisations