Come create a more sustainable, equal, higher quality and healthier university! We are looking for student representatives for some impactful positions
HYY is now looking for students for various impactful positions at the University work with sustainability and responsibility, equality and diversity, quality management, Language Centre’s teaching and UniSport’s services. Read more and apply by Thursday 19 November!
We students have our own positions in the University’s arenas of power – from the executive groups of degree programmes to the University’s highest decision-making bodies. The student representatives in these positions voice students’ opinions in meetings as well as advance and defend issues that are important to students. This way, we, in cooperation with the staff, develop the University to look increasingly like its students!
In these positions, you will get to take part in making decisions on the University’s operations, make student perspectives heard and create useful networks. You can also get credits for acting in the positions.
Student representatives act as the voice of students in the University’s decision-making processes. There is only one clear requirement: you must be registered for attendance at the University of Helsinki. No special skills are required in advance, but proficiency in Finnish is useful in the position. Thoroughly reading the meeting material before the meeting, asking for the opinions of, depending on the situation, either your fellow students or subject organisation on the issues on the meeting agenda and discussing matters in the meeting itself are quite enough to be successful in the position. The Student Union also provides training for the selected student representatives and offers its support and expertise for influencing matters in the University’s decision-making processes.
Applications should be submitted at www.beta.halloped.fi by Thursday 19 November 2020.
Your application should clearly indicate your motivation, degree programme or major and experience as relevant to the position. The Student Union considers previous experience of acting as a student representative in administration, as a study advisor or in some other student advocacy work as well as readiness to actively communicate to the Student Union and other students while acting in the position as advantages.
The Student Union hopes to receive applications from representatives of different genders and people from different stages of their studies from diverse backgrounds. We will assume that you are available for the positions of both actual and vice member. The Student Union will strive to take into account the representation of different disciplines when making the selections.
Sustainability and responsibility committee
If questions of sustainability lie close to your heart and the idea of a more responsible university gets you excited, this is your opportunity to direct the entire University towards a sustainable direction! The sustainability and responsibility committee oversees the preparation and implementation of the policies of the University’s programme on sustainability and responsibility. The goal is to make sustainability and responsibility at the UH a more integral part of the university’s activities.
Equality and diversity committee
The university wishes to be a leader in the promotion of equality and the creation of an atmosphere of respect for diversity. Do you have ideas of what steps we should take in practice to achieve this goal? In the Equality and diversity committee, you will get to influence the university community so as to strengthen pro-equality attitudes, opinions and structures at the university!
Quality management steering group
Are you interested in the quality of teaching or the university’s management system? The quality work at the university aspires to secure the quality and continuous improvement of the university’s activities. The Quality management steering group provides you with a great perspective on university-level quality issues and large organisations’ quality system development.
Teaching development group of the Language Centre
Is something missing from the university’s language courses? Are the teaching methods just dull? If you crave experience in hands-on development of language teaching and want to improve teaching for you and your fellow students, this development groups is just the place for you!
Board of UniSport
Do you want to influence UniSport’s services and at the same time gain experience on university administration and the world of budgets and implementation plans? The Board of UniSport might be a place for you if you have ideas for the improvement on sports services and freely motivated expertise on student sports.
For further information on the positions and calls for applications, please contact:
Jenna Sorjonen
Specialist in educational policy