
Organisation Newsletter 2/2023

  1. Organisation Info Telegram-channel
  2. Autumns events
  3. Students with Pride
  4. Training for persons in charge of event safety



1. Join the HYY Organization Info Telegram-channel!


We have created a quick Telegram channel for organizations. The channel provides quick and efficient information on current issues. By subscribing to the channel, you will be informed immediately when there is new information about the renovation of the New Student House, when the booking rounds for Alina Hall start or when there is only one hour left to fill in the organization premise application. Only we can post messages to the channel and we promise to post only relevant information.



2. would your organization like to showcase their activities to new students this fall?


We are now looking for checkpoint hosts for Check-in Event, Opening Carnival and the Fresher Adventure! Sign up your organisation by 15 August at 23:59.

Check-in Event is a part of international students’ orientation and is a two day event 30–31 August. At the event organisations can showcase their activities for new international students and exchange students.

HYY is once again organising the Opening Carnival to open the academic year at 12 noon–6 pm on Monday 4 September! At the Carnival, both new and old students of the University of Helsinki will get a chance to explore the diverse range of organisations operating under HYY.

HYY’s Fresher Adventure is an interdisciplinary experience into the student union, its organisations and close partners. Hosting a checkpoint is a fun way to present your organisation and its activities for new students! The event is held on 28 September at 16-20.




3. Students’ parade at helsinki pride 2023


Join the student block at the Helsinki Pride Parade! This year’s theme at Helsinki Pride is joy and riot, as we need both to change the world. Students’ meetup to join the parade together will take place in front of Porthania around 11:15 am on 1 July. Bring your friends along or come and make new ones – but in any case, be there!


To join the Pride Parade with your organisation, sign up through this form by June 20: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/1340D8E786994C24 . We will send out more information to those who signed up closer to the event.


Further information: Eugenie Touma van der Meulen (they/she), eugenie.toumavandermeulen@hyy.fi, 050 325 8041



4. training for persons in charge of event safety on august 22nd


How do we ensure that all participants feel safe in events?

HYY is organizing a training event for persons in charge of event safety in Wilhelmsson hall on 22.8.2023 at 5-7 pm. Register yourself for the event latest on August 20 at 11.59 pm with this form.

The training is held in Finnish but the materials will be translated to English and Swedish. We can take in a maximum of 60 participants.

The space is partially inaccessible. The passageways in the space are at least 90 cm wide and the space is accessible by lift.

This training session provides tools to help the persons in charge of event safety in organisations and other volunteer groups in their duties. In the session, we will go through various situations that persons in charge of event safety may have to encounter in events as well as provide you with the tools to resolve them.
