How Do You Apply to Be a Student Representative?
Do you want to apply to become a student representative, but don’t know what to write in the application? This model application will help you with that and you will represent students in no time!
Model Application
How to apply to become a student representative in administration
↓ Student number, degree programme, faculty
Sally Student
Student number 012345678
Degree Programme of Student Studies, Faculty of Exemplary Sciences
↓ Motivation towards the position
Hi! I am Sally Student, and I am interested in applying to become a student representative in administration in the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Exemplary Sciences. I am a second-year student of Student Studies, and I am interested in study affairs and developing the University community. I have many ideas on how we could increase communality and the flexibility of studies in our faculty.
↓ Understanding of current issues at the faculty
My friends at the University have given lots of feedback on the need for more facilities for independent study in our faculty, as studying partly remotely is more difficult without them. Unfortunately, the recent policies of the Faculty of Exemplary Sciences have been made without sufficient participation from students. The consequences of this can be clearly seen in both the quality of education and student wellbeing. This is why I would like to get to influence the matter and bring student perspectives to the faculty council, too.
↓ Relevant previous experience and contacts with a faculty or subject organisation
I am available for the position of student representative for the entire 2022–2023 term and available on the stated interview date, if needed. I have been introduced to the secrets of university administration this year through having acted as a tutor in my subject. I am applying to become the secretary of my student organisation for next year, and through this position, I would be able to easily stay in touch with my faculty organisation, too.
↓ Vision on influencing matters in the administrative body
I am a good debater, as I am able to take different perspectives into account and clearly argue for my views. I think it is important that the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Exemplary Sciences would get a student representative like me, as I am used to asking students for their views on teaching and teaching arrangements. I am looking forward to getting to work on developing our faculty in constructive cooperation with other students.