
Appointment of the central election committee


The representative council elections HYY will be held this fall. According to the election regulation, the central election committee must be appointed by the end of March.

We request proposals for regular members and deputy members from representative groups by February 28th at 12:00 PM at the latest, via email to the address hallinto@hyy.fi.

The central election committee consists of 4-9 regular members and a maximum of 12 deputy members.


More information

Mikko Kymäläinen

General Secretary


040 081 6426



Election regulation 4 §

Establishment and operation of the Central Election Committee

The Board of the Student Union establishes the Central Election Committee in March of the election year at the latest to conduct the elections. The chair of the Student Union serves as the chair of the committee, and the vice chairs of the Student Union along with four to nine (4–9) former or current members of the Student Union serve as its other members. The members are selected in such a manner that the political groups that took part in the previous elections are represented on the Central Election Committee to the extent possible. Members of the Central Election Committee may not run as candidates in the Representative Council elections. The Central Election Committee selects a vice chair from among the committee members. The Student Union’s secretary general or a person designated by them serves as the secretary of the Central Election Committee. The Central Election Committee has a quorum when the chair or vice chair and at least half of its members are present. The Central Election Committee makes decisions with a simple majority of votes cast. In case of a tie, the chair has the casting vote.