Demonstration on 25 September 2024 at The Senate Square starting from 12.30 PM

Peace to study!

Education, culture and competence will help Finland get through anything. Students are the future of our society. However, we need peace to study, and we have the solutions to ensure this. Join our demand for peace to study!

Student aid to better serve students

It should be possible to study full time on student aid. The reality is far from this. Massive cuts have been made to students’ social security, and studying full time on student aid is but a distant dream. The number of months of student aid, for instance, has been cut several times during the last ten years.

With less time available for studying, graduation often gets delayed and the level of competence in Finland goes down. Without experts, we do not have solutions to the key challenges of our time.


  • The number of months of student aid is restored to 64 months.
  • Students receive the housing supplement during summer months too.
  • Regional differences in living costs are taken into account in the housing supplement of student aid.

The student debt crisis makes everyone suffer

More student loan is available than ever before. Students also have more debt than ever before. Studying is no longer seen primarily as an investment in one’s future – it feels more like taking an excessive financial risk. Instead of studying, students’ time is spent on work and their energy on stressing over finances.


  • The terms of interest assistance are relaxed.
  • An interest rate cap is set on student loans.​
  • The maximum amount of student loan compensation is raised.
  • An annual student loan compensation is introduced.
    • Schedule and programme

      • 12.30 pm: The demonstration meets at the Senate Square 
      • 1.30 pm: The demonstration sets off towards the Parliament Building 
      • 2.30 pm: The programme at the Parliament Building begins 
      • 4.00 pm: The demonstration ends 
    • Instructions for participating

      We will meet up for the demonstration at the Senate Square starting at 12.30 pm. You can get there easily by public transport: exit the metro at the University of Helsinki metro station or use tram lines 2, 4 or 7, for instance. 

      Before the demonstration sets off from the Senate Square, there will be some speeches and we will form a procession. Please be on time and bring your friends along – demonstrations are the most fun in a group! 

      The demonstration sets off from the Senate Square towards the Parliament Building at around 1.30 pm. 

      The demonstration follows the following route: Senate Square > Aleksanterinkatu > Mannerheimintie > Parliament Building. 

      After the demonstration has arrived at the Parliament Building around 2.30 pm, the programme begins, featuring speeches and performances. The programme ends by 4 pm.  

      During the day of the event, any possible changes will be posted on HYY’s Instagram account @hyy_hus. 

      Everyone is welcome to join the demonstration as they are and participate in the ways they are comfortable with. You can join in the collective chants, just be a part of the procession or join the demonstration at the Parliament Building to only follow the programme. 

      Student overalls is an ideal outfit for this demonstration!

      You can also bring along your own signs to the demonstration. However, please note that HYY’s principles of safer space are in effect at the event and apply to any material visible in the demonstration.  

      HYY has the right to remove individuals from the demonstration or ask them to remove any material in their possession for the duration of the event if it violates the principles of safer space. 

      Remember to bring your own water bottle with you, along with some snacks if you wish, and to dress according to the weather. 

    • Partners

      Our partners agree with the objectives and solutions of the demonstration. Our partners also make organising the demonstration possible by, for instance, participating in the costs, providing communication help and participating in other practical arrangements.


      • Aalto University Student Union (AYY)
      • Student Union of Diaconia University of Applied Sciences – O’Diako
      • Student Union of University of Jyväskylä (JYY)
      • Student Union of Haaga-Helia – Helga
      • Student Union of Humak University of Applied Sciences
      • University of the Arts Student Union (ArtSU)


      Any student unions may join us as partners.

      Interested? Get in touch!

      Antti Kaijansinkko

      050 475 1280

    • Supporters

      Supporters supports the objectives and solutions of the demonstration.


      • Aspekti ry
      • Biosfääri ry
      • Bouffe ry
      • Condus ry
      • Dilemma ry
      • Ebe ry
      • Edustajistoryhmä HELP
      • Elintarvikeylioppilaiden yhdistys Lipidi ry
      • HAO ry – Helsingin aineenopettajiksi opiskelevat ry
      • Helix ry
      • Helsingin yliopiston kemistit ry
      • Helsingin yliopiston logopedian opiskelijoiden yhdistys Foni ry
      • Humanisticum ry
      • Humanistispeksi ry
      • HYAL Ry
      • Hyvät Martat ry
      • HYYn Vihreät
      • Itä-Suomen yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (ISYY)
      • Kannunvalajat ry
      • Kansantaloustieteen opiskelijat ry
      • Karavaani ry.
      • Keho ry, Kehitystutkimuksen opiskelijat ry
      • Kompleksi ry
      • Kumous ry
      • Kumpulan Speksi ry
      • Kronos ry
      • Kymenlaakson Osakunta
      • Lapin yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (LYY)
      • LUT-Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta LTKY
      • Lääketieteenkandidaattiseura ry
      • Maantieteen opiskelijat ry
      • Maatalousylioppilaiden yhdistys Sampsa ry
      • Maatalous-metsäylioppilaiden liitto MMYL ry
      • Maisema-arkkitehtuurin opiskelijayhdistys Vista ry
      • Matlu ry
      • Meridiaani ry
      • Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta METKA
      • Metropolian kulttuurialan opiskelijayhdistys Demoni ry
      • Metsäylioppilaat ry
      • Oulun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (OYY)
      • Phenomena Ry
      • Polho ry
      • Resonanssi ry, Resonans rf
      • Satakuntalainen osakunta
      • Sitoutumaton vasemmisto ry
      • Siula ry
      • Svenska handelshögskolans studentkår (SHS)
      • Svenska Naturvetarkluben r.f.
      • Synop ry
      • Tampereen ylioppilaskunta (TREY)
      • Teologian Ylioppilaiden Tiedekuntayhdistys
      • Thorax r.f.
      • TKO-äly ry
      • TOKYO ry
      • Turun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (TYY)
      • Vaasan yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (VYY)
      • Viikki-speksi ry
      • Wiipurilainen Osakunta
      • Ympäristötieteiden Opiskelijat – MYY ry
      • Åbo Akademis Studentkår (ÅAS)


      Sign your organisation up as a supporter of the demonstration by 15 September. As a supporter, your organisation supports the objectives and solutions of the demonstration.

      Sign up as a supporter using our Lyyti form.

Further information

  • Mitä me vaaditaan?










    Kun mä sanon opiskelu, te huudatte rauhaa!




    What do we want?



    Vad vill vi ha?


    När jag säger studie, säger ni fred!

  • HYY’s principles of safer space are in effect in the demonstration. Safe space is created in the interaction between people, and each one of us is responsible for this.


    Demonstration’s event safety persons:

    Petra Pulli 050 344 3730

    Tommi Mäki 050 472 7950


    If you encounter any harassment in the demonstration, you can also report it using HYY’s harassment report form.


  • The accessibility information for the demonstration will be updated later.

    If you have any questions related to accessibility, you can contact Secretary General Mikko Kymäläinen at


  • Communication material for the partners and supporters of the demonstration will be made available later.

Contact details