HYYs up to date instructions and guidelines for organisations during the coronavirus situation
HYYs up to date instructions and guidelines for organisations during the coronavirus situation
Updated 14.2.2022
Based on the recommendations and restrictions set by officials, we are making adjustments to the coronavirus instructions aimed at organisations. HYY’s restrictions and recommendations are in effect until further notice unless stated otherwise. We are monitoring the situation and will update the instructions as needed. Up-to-date instructions and restrictions along with their period of validity will be announced in the newsletter for organisations and on this website.
If you have any questions about these instructions or if your organisation is facing a challenging situation of any kind, you can contact the organisational sector directly (contact information can be found at the bottom of this page).
Changes to the restrictions from February 15th
- Sivistys-Sauna can be reserved
- Alina-hall can be reserved from February 18th
Specific restrictions and recommendations
General instructions for organizations
- The organisers must be prepared to change their plans or, if needed, cancel their event.
- When planning events, you should remember that official instructions may change on short notice.
- We urge organisations to actively monitor the development of the coronavirus situation and to follow official instructions at both individual and organisational level to the extent that they apply to your activities.
- Organisations can also encourage their own members to follow official instructions.
Organizational premises
- The event organiser is responsible for complying with the authorities’ instructions.
- Organisers are responsible for maintaining sufficient spaciousness during events.
- We recommend mask use in the premises. The mask recommendation and instructions on using masks can be found here.
- Special attention must be given to hygiene in the premises. Good hand hygiene must also be observed.
- The organiser is responsible for monitoring the number of participants and organising the required measures.
- Please contact the specialist in organisations if your organisation has any questions on the interpretation of these matters.
Organizations events
- HYY recommends that you follow the up-to-date restrictions of the Regional State Administrative Agency in all your indoor and outdoor events organised somewhere else than HYY’s organisational premises and that you take the restrictions into account when deciding on the number of participants for the events.
HYYs meeting rooms
- Meeting rooms are available for organisations to reserve.
- If a reservation to Alina Hall is left unused or is cancelled in Spring 2022, no fees will be collected.
- If new restrictions need to be imposed later and the use of the premises is cancelled because of them, you don’t need to make a separate cancellation – the reservations are cancelled automatically.
HYYs festive premises
- Alina-hall can be reserved from February 18th
Useful links
- Current information on the effects of the coronavirus epidemic is available on the government website.
- Effects of the coronavirus on PRH’s office and customers.
- Answers to frequently asked questions on the coronavirus features on the website of the Regional State Administrative Agencies.
- Current information about the coronavirus is available on the website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.
- We also recommend that organisations follow the University’s website, which is being actively updated. The site features information on the effects of the coronavirus on studies.
Further information
Janne Salokoski
specialist (organisations)
041 313 0193
Jaakko Kalske
specialist (organisations)
050 537 3798
Linnea Keltanen
board member (organisations)
050 543 8460