HYY’s instructions for organisations on the coronavirus situation
Edited 13 Mar at 16.14: Added instructions for organisations in legal or financial problem situations
The Finnish government has today published its instructions on preventing the spread of the coronavirus, and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) had previously already published recommendations to help curb the coronavirus. Our instructions rely largely on these official recommendations.
- All organisations are recommended to avoid organising festive and recreational events. If your organisation has a dinner party or a similar event coming up, our recommendation is that you cancel it.
- If your organisation has to cancel your reservation to Alina Hall because of the coronavirus, we will naturally not collect a late fee from you, even if the cancellation occurs less than 14 days before the event. The same applies to the Sivistys sauna premises. Cancellations should be made in the usual manner by sending email to toimisto@hyy.fi.
- We recommend that you avoid organising any kinds of festive occasions in organisational premises. We are leaving the organisation of meetings and similar events to the discretion of the organisations themselves, but we do recommend that you consider whether the meeting is necessary and look into the possibility of holding it remotely.
- If organisational premises are used, the organisations must take particular care of hand hygiene. The bodies in charge of managing the premises should ensure that there is hand sanitiser and soap available in the premises, along with paper towels, if possible. Everyone using the premises should wash their hands upon arrival. In addition to this, taking care of general hygiene (coughing and sneezing in your sleeve, etc.) is of utmost importance.
- As a general recommendation that applies to everyone, you should not leave home when sick unless absolutely necessary.
- We encourage you to follow THL’s recommendations at both individual and organisational level to the extent that they apply to your activities. Organisations can also encourage their own members to follow THL’s instructions.
The Finnish government’s recommendations can be found on the government website at https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/article/-/asset_publisher/10616/hallitus-paatti-suosituksista-koronaviruksen-leviamisen-hillitsemiseksi.
Further information on the coronavirus is also available on THL’s website at https://thl.fi/web/thlfi-en.
We also recommend that organisations follow the University’s website, which is being continuously updated. The following page describes the effects of the coronavirus on your studies: https://guide.student.helsinki.fi/en/news/qa-effect-coronavirus-your-studies
These recommendations for organisations are valid until further notice. HYY will provide additional information through its communication channels on Friday 13 March at the latest. If you have any questions on these recommendations or if your organisation has a challenging situation of some kind, you can contact the organisational sector directly (contact information below). The situation is exceptional but not impossible. We urge everyone to remain calm even though we are taking the situation seriously.
Jaakko Kalske
Specialist in organisations
050 537 3798
Lovisa Hirvonen
Member of HYY’s Board in charge of organisations
050 543 9615
HYY’s instructions for organisations in legal or financial problem situations
Because of the coronavirus situation, organisations may be facing costs and difficult situations due to possible cases of cancellation. These instructions have been made to support organisations in challenging situations, and we recommend that you utilise them as needed.
If your organisation is unable to organise an anniversary party, for instance, due to the coronavirus situation, and the deadline for free cancellation has expired, you should first inquire about the possibility of moving the reservation forward. This way, you can avoid extra costs to the organisation and, on the other hand, be able to organise the anniversary party later.
Legal difficulties
Pykälä’s legal aid is free to HYY’s members and organisations. In legal problem situations, we recommend that you contact them. It is best to avoid legal action in conflict situations – we recommend that you try to agree on the issue amicably.
Pykälä’s Legal Aid Committee is on call at 5.00–7.00 pm on Mondays and Thursdays during the academic terms of the University of Helsinki. Together with the Legal Aid Committee, we are also preparing to provide additional assistance outside these times, if this becomes necessary. In addition to this, we will be producing answers to the most common legal questions together with the committee. These will be published as soon as possible but during next week at the earliest.
The Legal Aid Committee’s contact information:
Email: oikeusapu@pykala.fi
Tel. 050 311 0715
Further information about Pykälä’s legal aid: https://pykala.fi/legal-assistance/
Financial difficulties
HYY’s Board is currently investigating different alternatives on how to support organisations. As part of this investigation, HYY aims to chart the extent of financial problems. If your organisation is facing a financially challenging situation due to cases of cancellation, for instance, please contact the specialist in organisations.
Further information
Jaakko Kalske
Specialist (organisations)
050 537 3798