
Speech at the reception of May Day 2023


Arvoisat kuuntelijat, bästa åhörare, dear listeners.

Toivotan teille iloista vappua koko Helsingin yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan puolesta. Jag önskar er en trevlig valborg. I wish you a happy May Day.

May Day is a part of the historical continuum of both the student movement and the labour movement. In a changing world, traditions serve to remind us what kind of principles are worth preserving. One such principle is communality. Today, large and diverse crowds gather all over Finland to celebrate May Day – together.

We have more in common with each other than we often realise. Whether you are wearing a student’s cap today or not, and whether your cap has turned yellow over the years or is still white and pristine, we are all celebrating together today. All of us are connected by a desire to be with our loved ones, to feel happiness and to rejoice.

Communality is the glue that has joined students and workers together to help make Finland an ever more progressive country. It is the same force that has elevated Finland into the highly esteemed welfare state it is today.

Haluan kutsua jokaisen yhteisömme kansainvälisen jäsenen juhlimaan vappua kanssamme. Toivon, että juhla on teille yhtä merkityksellinen kuin meillekin. Tänään juhlimme yhdessä!

Kiitos, tack, thank you!


Antti Kaijansinkko
Vice Chair of HYY’s Board