Grants for innovative learning projects up for grabs
HYY allocates grants for new study projects organised by students. The project can, for example, develop study methods, apply theory to practice or advance students’ professional competence. The grant cannot be allocated retroactively.
Throughout the years, grants for innovative learning projects have been given to projects such as a soap manufacturing workshop run by nutritional science students, a saddle course by students of veterinary medicine, workshop activities in an international environmental seminar and an art exhibition study group by humanists.
The total amount of the allocated grant is 5,000 euros (approx. 100–900 euros per project). When allocating the grant, the initiative and learning methods that encourage students to be active are taken into account. The projects that have received the grant can be presented in HYY communications as good examples. The study projects must be as open as possible to anyone interested in taking part.
The grant is not allocated for the following purposes:
- Travel or catering expenses
- Facility expenses, with the exception of specially equipped facilities, which cannot be received free of charge
- Printing of publications, unless decided otherwise based on the application
- Master’s thesis projects
- Such basic education, which is primarily the responsibility of the department
- Remuneration or salaries
- Continuous/regular activities
The person in charge of the project is committed to report about the implementation of the project after its completion latest by 30th of November.
The grant can be applied by a form which opens 11th of March. You can fill the application form in here:
Please check the information before submitting the form! Information cannot be edited later so you should consider the required information before filling the form. You can draft your application with a word processing program and then copy it into the form.
The last day to apply is 6th of April at 23:59 o’clock. Late applications will not be considered.
All applicants will be informed about the allocation of the grants by the end of May. For further information, please contact Member of the Board Riku-Petteri Kyllönen (riku-petteri.kyllonen@hyy.fi).