
Report an organisation hero or the equality act of the year 2024!


We are looking for Organisation Heroes! 

Do you know an organisation active whose commitment, positive attitude or incredible innovativeness you admire? Now you have a chance to let us know who you think should earn the title of organisation hero in order for them to get recognition for their efforts! 

You can nominate the organisational hero by yourselves or as a group, for example as an organisation. The heroe’s actions can be from this year or from a longer time period. 

You can nominate an organisation hero by filling in the ‘Organisation heroes 2024’ form. Fill in both the heroes and your own contact information. You can freely describe the reasons for the nomination. Each Hero will be rewarded with a diploma with the description. 

Report the equality act of the year!

Do you know an organisation, that has worked hard for equality this year? Has someone been an exceptional defender of equality, and would you like for them to receive special recognition?

You can report an equality act by yourself or with friends. The act can be from this year alone, or from a longer period.

Reporting of an equality act happens by filling in the Equality Act of the Year –form. In the form you will submit information about the reporter and the organisation that has done the equality act, and grounds on which the organisation should receive the diploma. The grounds will be printed on the diploma. The winning organization will also receive a free Alina-hall reservation for the year 2025. 

The Heroes and equality acts will be published in the HYY156 party. 

The form is open until 10 November 2024.