
Organisation Newsletter 7/2024


1. Would you like to sell your organisation’s overall badges through HYY’s Services Office?
2. Apply to become a student representative to influence the curricula!
3. Why should organisations and people involved in them be interested in the Representative Council elections?
4. Meeting of international officials of organisations!
5. Survey on member registers for organisations
6. Invitation to cocktail event: come and see Restaurant Domus

1. Would you like to sell your organisation’s overall badges through HYY’s Services Office?

Does your organisation have gorgeous overall badges but no opportunities to sell them? We have a solution for you! HYY is launching an overall badge brokerage service, allowing organisations operating under it to have their badges sold at HYY’s Services Office. HYY will take a 10% commission on sold badges to cover the costs caused by the brokerage. Sales revenue will be paid to the organisations twice a year.

More information and instructions: Linnea Keltanen, Office Secretary (member services), info@hyy.fi

2. Apply to become a student representative to influence the curricula!

This autumn, we are looking for student representatives for the steering groups of all degree programmes for the 2025–2026 term. Having student representation on the steering groups is crucial as they will begin updating the curricula right away. We can only make our voice heard in the curriculum work and improve the status of students by being involved in the work of the steering groups. Apply yourself or encourage a friend to do so! The application period is open until 14 October.

Read more

3. Why should organisations and people involved in them be interested in the Representative Council elections?

What are the things in the daily operation of student organisations that HYY’s Representative Council affects, and does your vote really matter? Come and discuss and hear about the Representative Council elections and current themes in them with HYY’s election coordinator and specialist in organisations at Wilhelmsson Hall at 5.00 pm on 2 October!


4. Meeting of international officials of organisations!

HYY invites the organisation officials responsible for the internationality and international affairs of organisations to the central office! The purpose is to discuss operating methods, experiences, and to hear questions, tips and anything related to internationality. Tuesday 29.10. at 5 p.m. at the New studenthouse.

More information: Henna Heino, member of HYY board respoinsible of international affairs, henna.heino@hyy.fi


5. Survey on member registers for organisations

HYY constantly develops its services for organisations based on feedback and the organisations’ needs. The aim of this survey is to chart the member registers used by organisations operating under HYY as well as satisfaction in the current system. Based on the survey, we will be charting organisations’ preliminary interest in a centralised member register solution.

Read more

6. Invitation to cocktail event: come and see Restaurant Domus

Are you planning an annual celebration, a sittning party or any other big event for your organisation? Restaurant Domus is a high-quality restaurant for private events owned and operated by the University of Helsinki’s student union. We offer restaurant and party services for organisations within HYY at a student-friendly price.

We would like to invite you to Restaurant Domus

  • Venue: Restaurant Domus, Hietaniemenkatu 14, 00100 Helsinki
  • Date and time: Tuesday 15 October, 5 pm to 8 pm

The event offers the opportunity to look around the restaurant, taste the best pieces of the annual party menu in the form of cocktails, and learn more about how Domus could be suitable for your organisation’s celebrations and events. The invitation is for two guests.

Register by 1 October. But hurry, because the number of seats is limited!

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Anne Immonen, Business Director, Restaurants, Ylva

Henna Maavuori, Restaurant Manager, Restaurant Domus
