
HYY POP UP comes to campuses

Are you in need of guidance related to housing or subsistence? Would you like to have a positive impact on study affairs and the study environment at the University? Do you have questions related to your wellbeing or study ability? Would you like to receive guidance related to the FSHS’s wellbeing services, for instance? Do you know how HYY influences matters in the university, the city and society? Are you interested in finding out what kind of organisations and committees operate under HYY and how you could join them? Would you like to give us feedback and be involved in influencing the Student Union’s activities and objectives?

Come to the HYY POP UP events in the City Centre, Viikki, Kumpula and Meilahti on 7–11 October 2019!

Members of HYY’s Board and HYY’s specialists will be on call providing guidance from Monday to Friday on each of the University of Helsinki’s campuses in turn. HYY POP UPs will have themed tables related to subsistence, wellbeing, study affairs, committees and organisations. In addition to this, you will be able to get yourself HYY overall badges, HYY products and prizes!


  • CITY CENTRE (Guidance Corner, Kaisa House, Fabianinkatu 30)
    MON at 10 am–2.15 pm on 7 October 2019
  • VIIKKI (Info Centre Korona, Viikinkaari 11)
    TUES at 10 am–2.15 pm on 8 October 2019
  • KUMPULA (Lobby of Physicum, Gustaf Hällströminkatu 2)
    WED at 10 am–2.15 pm on 9 October 2019
  • MEILAHTI (Terkko Event Space, Haartmaninkatu 4)
    FRI at 10 am–2.15 pm on 11 October 2019