Anniversary dinner at the old student house
Anniversary dinner at the old student house
Anniversary dinner at the old student house

HYY cancels its 152nd Anniversary dinner party


HYY organises its 152nd Anniversary party as a streamed event instead of a traditional dinner party.


In its meeting on Wednesday 16 September, HYY’s Board has decided to cancel the Student Union’s 152nd Anniversary dinner party. The Board came to the conclusion that organising the dinner party would not be responsible in the current coronavirus situation.

Due to the nature of the Student Union’s dinner parties, organising the Anniversary dinner party in a way that would be safe as well as prestigious and meaningful for the guests was not considered possible. Furthermore, some interest groups would have been invited to the Anniversary from outside the Capital Region, and encouraging guests from all over Finland to travel to Helsinki for our Anniversary was not seen as a responsible course of action.


New concept for the Anniversary party


Instead of the traditional Anniversary party, we will organise a streamed event hosted at the Old Student House on the official Anniversary date, 26 November. We want to hold on to certain traditions, but we will also partly rethink the concept of the Anniversary party this year. For instance, we want to award our badges of merit as part of a traditional dinner party, which means that awarding some of the honours will be postponed to next year.

All our members are warmly welcome to follow the event! We will provide further information about the nature of the event and how it will be streamed closer to the event itself.


Further information:

Susanne Salo, event producer

Jessika Isomeri, member of the Board in charge of events