Equipment and Reservations
Does your organisation’s upcoming event require more powerful sound equipment than usual? We rent various devices and equipment to the organisations operating under us. In addition to AV equipment, our selection includes a badge maker, a laminator and an induction loop that is rented for free.
This guide includes a list of all the equipment we are renting as well as more detailed instructions on renting and using them.
AV and office equipment
Pair of active loudspeakers, JBL EON 612
Desktop speakers, Creative Gigaworks T20 series II
ION Block Rocker
Loudspeaker stand and carrybag, JBL
Mixer, Mackie 1202-VLZ
Pro mixer, Eurorack MXB 1002
Microphone, Audix OM 2
Microphone stand, König & Mayer 271Jabra meeting microphone
Microphone cable
XLR loudspeaker cable
RCA cable
Vivitek H1085, 1920×1080
Other equipment
Badge maker
Rental prices for the AV and other equipment
All rental prices are for one day. If the equipment is rented for a longer period, half of the rental price is charged for each additional day. One day’s rent is charged for the weekend.
PA set (mixer and two loudspeakers): €20
Pair of loudspeakers and the ION Block Rocker: €15
Mixer: €10
Microphone: €5
Projectors: €15
Blank badges for the badge maker (56 mm): á 30 cents
Induction loop
Induction loop
The induction loop is a device designed for hearing aid users. It wirelessly transfers amplified sound directly to the hearing aid. The loop allows the user to listen to amplified sound without background noise and at a suitable volume.
When using the induction loop, all comments must be spoken into the microphone. When the hearing aid is connected to the induction loop, the hearing aid’s own microphone is off.
The induction loop can be borrowed from our Services Office for free.
You can download instructions for using the loop here.
Other equipment
Other equipment
Beer pong table (240 x 60 x 70 cm, has holes for cups), 15 € rent
Canopy, 4×4 meters Tuulihaukka. No separate rent.
Frequently asked questions
To rent equipment, please contact our Services Office by sending email to
The equipment can be picked up from our Services Office on the day of the reservation. For the weekend, they must be picked up between noon and 3 pm on Friday.
The equipment should be returned to our Services Office by noon on the next working day after the reservation.
If the rented equipment gets lost or broken, the organisation will be invoiced for the price of the equipment we buy to replace the old one. Cords and cables, however, have fixed prices you need to pay if they get lost or broken, unless the organisation provides us with a similar cable to replace the old one.